Immunisation Community of Practice
Welcome to the Immunisation Community of Practice. A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people with a shared passion who come together and learn how to do better. The PHNs Immunisation CoP is your opportunity to get answers, share ideas and build your professional network regarding immunisation.
The PHN Immunisation CoP aims to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in the community by providing appropriate and timely information about vaccine preventable diseases and the Immunise Australia Program to immunisation providers and the community and promote the delivery of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.
Some of the benefits of joining this Community are:
- 24/7 access to filed Immunisation resources,
- keep current with Immunisation updates,
- brainstorm about Immunisation,
- and network with colleagues passionate about Immunisation.
Welcome to the Immunisation Community of Practice. A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people with a shared passion who come together and learn how to do better. The PHNs Immunisation CoP is your opportunity to get answers, share ideas and build your professional network regarding immunisation.
The PHN Immunisation CoP aims to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in the community by providing appropriate and timely information about vaccine preventable diseases and the Immunise Australia Program to immunisation providers and the community and promote the delivery of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.
Some of the benefits of joining this Community are:
- 24/7 access to filed Immunisation resources,
- keep current with Immunisation updates,
- brainstorm about Immunisation,
- and network with colleagues passionate about Immunisation.
AIR 42A Report update Dec 2022
Share AIR 42A Report update Dec 2022 on Facebook Share AIR 42A Report update Dec 2022 on Twitter Share AIR 42A Report update Dec 2022 on Linkedin Email AIR 42A Report update Dec 2022 linkFrom 3 December 2022 the AIR042A report will be temporarily unavailable whilst enhancements are made to improve usability and to future proof the report so that it is aligned with evolving clinical advice regarding multiple boosters and new COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccination providers will still be able to access and view reports that they’ve requested prior to 3 December 2022.
It is anticipated the enhanced AIR042A report will be available for vaccination providers to use from March 2023.
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Expansion of the NSW pharmacist vaccination program
Share Expansion of the NSW pharmacist vaccination program on Facebook Share Expansion of the NSW pharmacist vaccination program on Twitter Share Expansion of the NSW pharmacist vaccination program on Linkedin Email Expansion of the NSW pharmacist vaccination program linkThe NSW pharmacist vaccination program has been expanded to include 6 additional vaccines:
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Japanese encephalitis – completion of an additional education module is mandatory
- Poliomyelitis
- Typhoid
- Zoster vaccine – Shingrix only not Zostavax.
The NSW Pharmacist Vaccination Standards and NSW Pharmacist Vaccine Authority have been amended to reflect this.
Additional information regarding the NSW pharmacist vaccination program is available here.
Discontinued: Moderna Original COVID-19 vaccine
Share Discontinued: Moderna Original COVID-19 vaccine on Facebook Share Discontinued: Moderna Original COVID-19 vaccine on Twitter Share Discontinued: Moderna Original COVID-19 vaccine on Linkedin Email Discontinued: Moderna Original COVID-19 vaccine linkAll sites will have their allocation for Moderna ancestral (red cap) set to zero in COVID-19 Vaccine Administrative System (CVAS) from Saturday 22 October 2022. Sites were able to place their last order for Moderna ancestral by midnight Friday 21 October 2022.
Caution: COVID-19 vaccine dosing & administration errors
Share Caution: COVID-19 vaccine dosing & administration errors on Facebook Share Caution: COVID-19 vaccine dosing & administration errors on Twitter Share Caution: COVID-19 vaccine dosing & administration errors on Linkedin Email Caution: COVID-19 vaccine dosing & administration errors linkImmunisation providers are advised to exercise caution especially when administering Moderna vaccines to avoid potential dosing errors and incorrect vaccine selection. Several vaccine administration errors (VAEs) have been reported since the roll-out of the Moderna Bivalent 18 years+ (Blue/Green) vaccine.
The correct dosage of Moderna Bivalent 18 years + vaccine is 0.50mL (rather than 0.25mL). The vaccine comes in 2.5mL vials, with 5 doses contained within each vial. Providers are strongly advised to use the COVID vaccine comparison poster to check dose and brand suitability.
Update to AIR vaccination provider form
Share Update to AIR vaccination provider form on Facebook Share Update to AIR vaccination provider form on Twitter Share Update to AIR vaccination provider form on Linkedin Email Update to AIR vaccination provider form linkTwo new provider types, Residential Care Facilities (RCFs) and Authorised Nurses Immunisers (ANIs) have been added to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and can apply for an AIR Provider Number. This AIR update provides information and advice on possible scenarios.
The advice is that a nurse in general practice is not required to get an AIR provider number and therefore an ABN is not needed.
If someone is working as a contractor and needs an ABN they can apply directly to the ABR and there is no fee to get an ABN.
Q In what settings should an ANI apply for an AIR provider number?
A In NSW a Registered Nurse/Midwife who holds the relevant qualifications for administering immunisations independently, has an ABN and who:
- plans on administering vaccines independently, or
- administers vaccines at a location that does not already have or is unable to register for an AIR provider number
Amended Authority for Nurse/Midwife Immunisers and learning resource
Share Amended Authority for Nurse/Midwife Immunisers and learning resource on Facebook Share Amended Authority for Nurse/Midwife Immunisers and learning resource on Twitter Share Amended Authority for Nurse/Midwife Immunisers and learning resource on Linkedin Email Amended Authority for Nurse/Midwife Immunisers and learning resource linkThe Authority for Nurse/Midwife Immunisers has been amended to include the following additional vaccines:
- Japanese encephalitis vaccines – mandatory training required
- Typhoid vaccines
- Herpes Zoster – Shingrix only. Does not include Zostavax
The Authority is available from:
In order to administer the Japanese encephalitis vaccines Authorised Nurse/Midwife Immunisers must have completed Japanese encephalitis: A resource for registered nurses and midwives
Help shape the future of vaccine safety surveillance in Australia – GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists needed
Share Help shape the future of vaccine safety surveillance in Australia – GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists needed on Facebook Share Help shape the future of vaccine safety surveillance in Australia – GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists needed on Twitter Share Help shape the future of vaccine safety surveillance in Australia – GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists needed on Linkedin Email Help shape the future of vaccine safety surveillance in Australia – GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists needed linkResearchers at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) are conducting a study investigating the current utilisation of vaccine safety surveillance systems by immunisation providers across Australia. To help inform this study, you are invited to participate in a short telephone or videoconference interview to share your experiences – good, bad or non-existent – with vaccine safety surveillance systems in your daily practice.
The findings from this study will help improve vaccine safety surveillance systems in Australia, ensuring they are fit-for-purpose for the needs of you and your patients in the future.
Click here to register your interest
Participants will be given a voucher for their time and interviews can be scheduled at a time that suits you to ensure there is no impact on your ability to see patients. Interviews will take place throughout October and November.
For further information or if you have any questions about the study, please email NCIRS Senior Program Officer, Nicola Carter at
Expressions of interest close 30 October 2022.
Flu reimbursement - vendor invite not received??
Share Flu reimbursement - vendor invite not received?? on Facebook Share Flu reimbursement - vendor invite not received?? on Twitter Share Flu reimbursement - vendor invite not received?? on Linkedin Email Flu reimbursement - vendor invite not received?? linkIf your practice has not received the vendor email invite to obtain your reimbursement for private flu vaccines. Please email with your details and best email address and I can action it with the Ministry of Health.
ATAGI clinical guidance on COVID-19 vaccine administration errors (updated 7 September 2022)
Share ATAGI clinical guidance on COVID-19 vaccine administration errors (updated 7 September 2022) on Facebook Share ATAGI clinical guidance on COVID-19 vaccine administration errors (updated 7 September 2022) on Twitter Share ATAGI clinical guidance on COVID-19 vaccine administration errors (updated 7 September 2022) on Linkedin Email ATAGI clinical guidance on COVID-19 vaccine administration errors (updated 7 September 2022) linkThe Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has developed guidelines to provide advice on the management of a range of possible vaccine administration errors, including when a replacement (repeat) dose is recommended. The guidelines are available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
The latest version (7 September 2022) includes updated advice on incorrect storage and handling and consolidated advice on unapproved age group.
Vaccination provider information payments
Share Vaccination provider information payments on Facebook Share Vaccination provider information payments on Twitter Share Vaccination provider information payments on Linkedin Email Vaccination provider information payments linkImmunisation payment statement
Recognised vaccination providers can access their monthly immunisation payment statement on the AIR site.
The benefits of accessing your payment statements from the AIR site are:
- they’re available immediately after each payment run
- you can view, save or print them as often as you need to
- you can access them when it’s convenient for you
- using your PRODA account, you can use any internet connected device including your PC, mobile phone or tablet.
The immunisation notifications reconciliation report includes immunisation details recorded on the AIR during the last month. It lists details about immunisation claims, AIR payments and reasons why a claim may not be payable.
This report is available on the AIR site on the second last Tuesday of each month.
Service Australia Vaccination Provider Information Payments
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Key Dates and Education
Videos and Simulations
Click here to play video Improving Immunisation Rates: What's Available? - Mastermind
Click here to play video Cold Chain Management Update (Mastermind)
Click here to play video Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA)
Click here to play video 2023 Annual Immunisation Update A comprehensive 2023 Immunisation Update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Uni.
Click here to play video 2024 Annual Immunisation - April Update A link to the 2024 Immunisation Update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Unit
2025 Adult Pneumococcal Vaccine Recall Program
Immunisation and Quality Improvement
12 Month Quality Improvement Record Template (BLANK) (151 KB) (docx)
One PIP QI Quarter Quality Improvement Record Template (BLANK) (145 KB) (docx)
Immunisation QI Toolkit (459 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation PDSA Example: Influenza Vaccination (205 KB) (pdf)
QI Activity AIR10A reports - followup overdue children (649 KB) (pdf)
Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement and CAT Plus (5.2 MB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Management
Cold Chain PHN doc.pdf (286 KB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Breach Protocol Poster (188 KB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Breach Reporting Form (338 KB) (pdf)
NSW Health Cold Chain Toolkit (606 KB) (pdf)
Strive for 5 Vaccine Fridge Temperature Chart Resource (129 KB) (pdf)
National Vaccine Storage Guidelines: Strive for 5 (3rd ed) (6.05 MB) (pdf)
Immunisation and the MBS
Immunisation AIR and PRODA
Services Australia: AIR-010A Due and Overdue Immunisation by Practice Report (1.38 MB) (pdf)
Services Australia: Australian Immunisation Register Data Quality User Guide (991 KB) (pdf)
Department of Health: Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Fact sheet (274 KB) (pdf)
AIR access via PRODA PHN Doc (834 KB) (pdf)
Recording vaccinations given overseas on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) PHN Doc (168 KB) (pdf)
Requesting and viewing the COVID-19 Vaccination Status Report (AIR42A) PHN Doc (526 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation - Nurses
How to request an AIR 10A report.pdf (386 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation contacts November 2023.docx (137 KB) (docx)
AIR-010A-Report-User-Guide-Nov-2020-V1.0.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
Important Links
- The Australian Immunisation Handbook
- NSW Health Immunisation Programs
- National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Australia
- Central Coast HealthPathways
- Hunter New England HealthPathways
- Central Coast LHD Immunisation
- HNE Health Immunisation
- Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI)