Immunisation Community of Practice
Welcome to the Immunisation Community of Practice. A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people with a shared passion who come together and learn how to do better. The PHNs Immunisation CoP is your opportunity to get answers, share ideas and build your professional network regarding immunisation.
The PHN Immunisation CoP aims to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in the community by providing appropriate and timely information about vaccine preventable diseases and the Immunise Australia Program to immunisation providers and the community and promote the delivery of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.
Some of the benefits of joining this Community are:
- 24/7 access to filed Immunisation resources,
- keep current with Immunisation updates,
- brainstorm about Immunisation,
- and network with colleagues passionate about Immunisation.
Welcome to the Immunisation Community of Practice. A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people with a shared passion who come together and learn how to do better. The PHNs Immunisation CoP is your opportunity to get answers, share ideas and build your professional network regarding immunisation.
The PHN Immunisation CoP aims to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in the community by providing appropriate and timely information about vaccine preventable diseases and the Immunise Australia Program to immunisation providers and the community and promote the delivery of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.
Some of the benefits of joining this Community are:
- 24/7 access to filed Immunisation resources,
- keep current with Immunisation updates,
- brainstorm about Immunisation,
- and network with colleagues passionate about Immunisation.
AIR Tip: How to submit information to the AIR for a non-Medicare individual
Share AIR Tip: How to submit information to the AIR for a non-Medicare individual on Facebook Share AIR Tip: How to submit information to the AIR for a non-Medicare individual on Twitter Share AIR Tip: How to submit information to the AIR for a non-Medicare individual on Linkedin Email AIR Tip: How to submit information to the AIR for a non-Medicare individual linkIndividuals who aren’t enrolled in Medicare or don’t have an Individual Healthcare Identifier can have their vaccinations recorded directly onto the AIR site using software, or an official AIR form and uploading it via HPOS.
Using the AIR site
Check if a record already exists
To prevent a duplicate record from being created, you can search the AIR for an existing record by entering the surname, first name and date of birth of the individual. The AIR will display the individual’s details if a record exists, and a new encounter can then be recorded. If you can’t find a unique match, conduct another search and also include the individual’s postcode.
Create a new record if one doesn’t already exist
If there isn’t a match after conducting a thorough search, a new record can be created by following the instructions: Create a new record using the AIR site.
Important: You will need to record a vaccination to create a new record.
Using software
Some software will transmit vaccination encounters for non-Medicare individuals to the AIR. Your software developer can provide further advice about this process.
Using a form uploaded via Health Professional Online Services (HPOS)
Providers without access to the AIR Site or software can record vaccination details using an official AIR form uploaded via HPOS.
Important: It can take up to 14 days to update an individual’s AIR record when a vaccination encounter is submitted using a form.
Where providers have difficulty submitting a vaccination encounter for non-Medicare individuals, they should contact AIR on 1800 653 809.
Under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 (AIR Act), it is mandatory to report all influenza, COVID-19, National Immunisation Program vaccines and Japanese encephalitis virus vaccines to the AIR. Further information about the Australian Immunisation Register is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
Streamlined process for updating vaccination data on Australian Immunisation Register site
Share Streamlined process for updating vaccination data on Australian Immunisation Register site on Facebook Share Streamlined process for updating vaccination data on Australian Immunisation Register site on Twitter Share Streamlined process for updating vaccination data on Australian Immunisation Register site on Linkedin Email Streamlined process for updating vaccination data on Australian Immunisation Register site linkDownload this easy-to-read chart which outlines the process for updating vaccination data already submitted to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) site. Vaccination providers should promptly amend any incorrect encounters using the AIR site or their practice management software's update function to avoid delays and ensure accurate immunisation history, using the same provider number as the original vaccination reported.
Vaccination from community pharmacy
Share Vaccination from community pharmacy on Facebook Share Vaccination from community pharmacy on Twitter Share Vaccination from community pharmacy on Linkedin Email Vaccination from community pharmacy linkNCIRS have updated their community pharmacy resources regarding the vaccines available in each State and Territory in pharmacy by which vaccine/age.
11May 2023 - Updates to the Australian Immunisation Handbook
Share 11May 2023 - Updates to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on Facebook Share 11May 2023 - Updates to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on Twitter Share 11May 2023 - Updates to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on Linkedin Email 11May 2023 - Updates to the Australian Immunisation Handbook linkUpdates have recently been made to the Handbook. These include updated influenza vaccination guidance in the context of COVID-19 vaccination; interim recommendations for extended valency conjugate pneumococcal vaccines (Vaxneuvance [15vPCV] and Prevenar 20 [20vPCV]) in adults and for people who are immunocompromised; and updates to reflect additions of 20vPCV in the table Vaccination for women who are planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding. A summary of these updates is available on the AIH website.
2023 PHN Vaccine Strategy
Share 2023 PHN Vaccine Strategy on Facebook Share 2023 PHN Vaccine Strategy on Twitter Share 2023 PHN Vaccine Strategy on Linkedin Email 2023 PHN Vaccine Strategy linkThe PHN has developed a 2023 Vaccine Strategy to support vaccine providers to deliver safe and effective immunisation programs for people living within our region. As we continue to move our focus to business as usual, this guide will assist you to identify vulnerable people and provide ideas for increasing routine vaccinations. Please see the strategy in the "Documents" section in the Immunisation CoP.
World Immunisation Week 2023 - 24 - 30 April
Share World Immunisation Week 2023 - 24 - 30 April on Facebook Share World Immunisation Week 2023 - 24 - 30 April on Twitter Share World Immunisation Week 2023 - 24 - 30 April on Linkedin Email World Immunisation Week 2023 - 24 - 30 April linkWorld Immunisation Week 2023 is from 24th to 30th April with the theme of “The Big Catch-up.” This week provides an opportunity to highlight the importance of immunisation in protecting individuals and communities against vaccine preventable diseases.
The campaign "The Big Catch-up" is crucial as it arrives at a pivotal moment for immunisation. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on global immunisation efforts, resulting in a backlog of missed vaccinations worldwide. Therefore, it is imperative to address this issue by improving immunisation services, closing the gap and reaching out to millions of individuals who have been deprived of the life-saving benefits of vaccines.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) 2023 campaign aims to address this backlog and promote global effort to vaccinate millions of children and restore vaccination levels to pre-pandemic standards.
New Routine Childhood Immunisation campaign
Share New Routine Childhood Immunisation campaign on Facebook Share New Routine Childhood Immunisation campaign on Twitter Share New Routine Childhood Immunisation campaign on Linkedin Email New Routine Childhood Immunisation campaign linkThe Australian Government has launched the ‘One more way you keep them safe’ campaign. The campaign highlights the importance of vaccinating children to protect them from serious diseases.
Australia has a strong National Immunisation Program (NIP) with high rates of childhood vaccination. However, recent data shows that routine childhood immunisation coverage rates have declined over the past two years.
Skipping or delaying vaccinations puts children and those around them at risk of catching serious diseases.
For the best protection, it’s important that children receive their free routine vaccines:
- in line with the NIP schedule
- on time, every time.
The campaign also encourages parents to:
- seek out reliable information about vaccination
- speak to trusted health professional about their child’s immunisations.
Learn more about the campaign, and access the resources at
Immunisation Question:
Share Immunisation Question: on Facebook Share Immunisation Question: on Twitter Share Immunisation Question: on Linkedin Email Immunisation Question: linkDo I need to aspirate the syringe prior to administering a vaccine?
Current research suggests that there is no need to aspirate the syringe prior to vaccine administration. Please refer to the Australian Immunisation Handbook for further information.
Updated NSW Immunisation Schedule
Share Updated NSW Immunisation Schedule on Facebook Share Updated NSW Immunisation Schedule on Twitter Share Updated NSW Immunisation Schedule on Linkedin Email Updated NSW Immunisation Schedule linkThe NSW Immunisation Schedule and the NSW Immunisation Childhood Poster have been updated to make recommendations for influenza vaccination of children 6 months to less than 5 years of age more prominent. These are now available on the NSW Health Immunisation webpage.
Both of these resources are available to order from the Better Health Centre at no cost. If you would like to order hard copies to be delivered to your practice please complete the Immunisation Resource Order Form.
Distribution of pre-allocated influenza vaccine orders has now commenced, however you should only schedule vaccination clinics once vaccines have been received.
Please consider using active initiatives to improve vaccine uptake in National Immunisation Program (NIP) eligible cohorts particularly children aged 6 months to less than 5 years of age who have historically had lower coverage rates than other at risk groups. Using reminder/recall systems to send SMS messages or emails to parents of children in your practice would be beneficial to inform them of the opportunity to have their child vaccinated.
Further information on the NSW seasonal influenza vaccination program is available on the 2023 seasonal influenza vaccination information for immunisation providers webpage.
Flu vaccine promotional material
Share Flu vaccine promotional material on Facebook Share Flu vaccine promotional material on Twitter Share Flu vaccine promotional material on Linkedin Email Flu vaccine promotional material linkNSW Health advised they will include a small flu flyer and 2023 basket stickers with your first influenza vaccine delivery. Additional resources are available to be ordered from the Better Health Centre using this form:
Who's Listening
Phone 0409 148 062 Email
Key Dates and Education
Videos and Simulations
Click here to play video Improving Immunisation Rates: What's Available? - Mastermind
Click here to play video Cold Chain Management Update (Mastermind)
Click here to play video Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA)
Click here to play video 2023 Annual Immunisation Update A comprehensive 2023 Immunisation Update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Uni.
Click here to play video 2024 Annual Immunisation - April Update A link to the 2024 Immunisation Update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Unit
2025 Adult Pneumococcal Vaccine Recall Program
Immunisation and Quality Improvement
12 Month Quality Improvement Record Template (BLANK) (151 KB) (docx)
One PIP QI Quarter Quality Improvement Record Template (BLANK) (145 KB) (docx)
Immunisation QI Toolkit (459 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation PDSA Example: Influenza Vaccination (205 KB) (pdf)
QI Activity AIR10A reports - followup overdue children (649 KB) (pdf)
Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement and CAT Plus (5.2 MB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Management
Cold Chain PHN doc.pdf (286 KB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Breach Protocol Poster (188 KB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Breach Reporting Form (338 KB) (pdf)
NSW Health Cold Chain Toolkit (606 KB) (pdf)
Strive for 5 Vaccine Fridge Temperature Chart Resource (129 KB) (pdf)
National Vaccine Storage Guidelines: Strive for 5 (3rd ed) (6.05 MB) (pdf)
Immunisation and the MBS
Immunisation AIR and PRODA
Services Australia: AIR-010A Due and Overdue Immunisation by Practice Report (1.38 MB) (pdf)
Services Australia: Australian Immunisation Register Data Quality User Guide (991 KB) (pdf)
Department of Health: Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Fact sheet (274 KB) (pdf)
AIR access via PRODA PHN Doc (834 KB) (pdf)
Recording vaccinations given overseas on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) PHN Doc (168 KB) (pdf)
Requesting and viewing the COVID-19 Vaccination Status Report (AIR42A) PHN Doc (526 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation - Nurses
How to request an AIR 10A report.pdf (386 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation contacts November 2023.docx (137 KB) (docx)
AIR-010A-Report-User-Guide-Nov-2020-V1.0.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
Important Links
- The Australian Immunisation Handbook
- NSW Health Immunisation Programs
- National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Australia
- Central Coast HealthPathways
- Hunter New England HealthPathways
- Central Coast LHD Immunisation
- HNE Health Immunisation
- Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI)