Immunisation Community of Practice
Welcome to the Immunisation Community of Practice. A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people with a shared passion who come together and learn how to do better. The PHNs Immunisation CoP is your opportunity to get answers, share ideas and build your professional network regarding immunisation.
The PHN Immunisation CoP aims to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in the community by providing appropriate and timely information about vaccine preventable diseases and the Immunise Australia Program to immunisation providers and the community and promote the delivery of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.
Some of the benefits of joining this Community are:
- 24/7 access to filed Immunisation resources,
- keep current with Immunisation updates,
- brainstorm about Immunisation,
- and network with colleagues passionate about Immunisation.
Welcome to the Immunisation Community of Practice. A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people with a shared passion who come together and learn how to do better. The PHNs Immunisation CoP is your opportunity to get answers, share ideas and build your professional network regarding immunisation.
The PHN Immunisation CoP aims to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in the community by providing appropriate and timely information about vaccine preventable diseases and the Immunise Australia Program to immunisation providers and the community and promote the delivery of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.
Some of the benefits of joining this Community are:
- 24/7 access to filed Immunisation resources,
- keep current with Immunisation updates,
- brainstorm about Immunisation,
- and network with colleagues passionate about Immunisation.
UPDATE: NSW Health re Zostavax supplies
Share UPDATE: NSW Health re Zostavax supplies on Facebook Share UPDATE: NSW Health re Zostavax supplies on Twitter Share UPDATE: NSW Health re Zostavax supplies on Linkedin Email UPDATE: NSW Health re Zostavax supplies linkNSW Health have advised that Zostavax forecasts have been brought forward in preparation for the influenza season. Stock has now been received and ordering restrictions have recently been increased.
Routine Childhood Immunisation
Share Routine Childhood Immunisation on Facebook Share Routine Childhood Immunisation on Twitter Share Routine Childhood Immunisation on Linkedin Email Routine Childhood Immunisation linkAustralia has observed concerning downward trends in childhood immunisation coverage rates over the past two years, particularly for First Nations children.
The Department of Health and Aged Care is planning a promotion activity from April 2023 in response to the decline in childhood immunisation coverage rates. The objective of this campaign is to reinforce the importance of childhood immunisation and prompt parents to ensure timely completion of the vaccination schedule.
The Chief Medical Officer has written a letter to immunisation providers to highlight this campaign as well as provide information to support providers identify children overdue for vaccination, raise awareness about immunisation and counter misinformation.
2023 Influenza Vaccination Program (Provider Toolkit now available)
Share 2023 Influenza Vaccination Program (Provider Toolkit now available) on Facebook Share 2023 Influenza Vaccination Program (Provider Toolkit now available) on Twitter Share 2023 Influenza Vaccination Program (Provider Toolkit now available) on Linkedin Email 2023 Influenza Vaccination Program (Provider Toolkit now available) linkThere has been exceptionally high demand for the influenza vaccine across Australia in recent years with over 3 million doses of National Immunisation Program (NIP) influenza vaccine distributed during 2020 in NSW alone. NSW Health has developed this toolkit to assist providers with managing roll-out and implementation of their influenza vaccination program in 2023. Everyone 6 months and older is recommended to get an influenza vaccine each year. The vaccine is funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for people most at-risk of severe disease.
Influenza vaccines will be available on the private market and must be ordered through your wholesaler. General Practitioners (GP's) will be able to order NIP influenza vaccine for all NIP eligible cohorts. Pharmacist immunisers will be able to order NIP influenza vaccines for NIP eligible cohorts 5 years and older.
Flu Vaccine Reminders:
- 2023 Influenza Vaccination Provider Toolkit - available now, review ASAP
- Confirm pre-allocation flu vaccine order – Review and confirm vaccine pre-order on the NSW Vaccine Centre portal – from 6 March 2023
- Acknowledge delivery of flu vaccine pre-allocation order on the NSW Vaccine Centre portal – approx. mid April
- Administer flu vaccines from April onwards to provide protection for the peak of the influenza season, which is generally June to September
- Australian Immunisation Handbook
- NIP fact sheet – 2023 Influenza vaccination – Program advice for vaccination providers
- ATAGI statement – ATAGI advice on seasonal influenza vaccines in 2023
- NCIRS - Immunisation information and resources
- NSW Health website: 2023 seasonal influenza vaccination website
- NSW Health - information sheet: Seasonal Influenza Vaccination 2023 GPs & AMS
Influenza immunisation resources
Share Influenza immunisation resources on Facebook Share Influenza immunisation resources on Twitter Share Influenza immunisation resources on Linkedin Email Influenza immunisation resources linkFor providers
► NEW: ATAGI advice on seasonal influenza vaccines in 2023 – Fact sheet (Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care) Access here
► NEW: Program advice for vaccination providers – Fact sheet (Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care) Access here
For consumers
► NEW: Fighting flu starts with you – Fact sheet (Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care) Access here
► Sharing Knowledge about Immunisation (SKAI) Influenza Vaccination Information to help consumers make a decision about childhood influenza immunisation for their family, with fact sheets including "Why does my child need a flu shot?" Access SKAI here
► Protecting your baby against influenza starts when you’re pregnant – Fact sheet (Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care) Access here
► MumBubVax: Talking about immunisation for mothers and babies “Answering your questions and giving you evidence-based information to make decisions about vaccination in pregnancy and for your baby after delivery” Access here
UPDATE: Ordering 2023 Influenza Vaccines
Share UPDATE: Ordering 2023 Influenza Vaccines on Facebook Share UPDATE: Ordering 2023 Influenza Vaccines on Twitter Share UPDATE: Ordering 2023 Influenza Vaccines on Linkedin Email UPDATE: Ordering 2023 Influenza Vaccines linkOrdering 2023 influenza vaccines
• Your first order will be pre-allocated based on your previous year’s vaccine usage, including reported expired and discarded vaccines.
• From Tuesday 28 February 2023, you will receive email instructions from the NSW Vaccine Centre regarding your first order allocation, please check your junk folder.
• You will be able to review and confirm your pre-allocation on Monday 6 March 2023 as per the email instructions from NSW Vaccine Centre. Only confirmed orders will be delivered.
• Subsequent orders can be made online once you have received your initial order and have confirmed receipt of the order on the NSW Vaccine Centre online ordering system.
• There may be limits placed on subsequent orders to ensure equitable vaccine distribution to all providers in NSW.
• Only schedule influenza vaccination clinics once vaccine supplies are received.
Other resources will be published as follows:
- NSW Health 2023 seasonal influenza vaccination information for immunisation providers webpage is now live.
- The 2023 Influenza Vaccination Provider Toolkit will be published on the webpage in the coming days.
- The ATAGI advice on administering seasonal influenza vaccines in 2023 is expected to be published in early March.
- NCIRS are also updating the Influenza fact sheet and FAQs
Please contact if you have any questions regarding the influenza vaccination program.
NSW Flu Vaccination Update 2023
Share NSW Flu Vaccination Update 2023 on Facebook Share NSW Flu Vaccination Update 2023 on Twitter Share NSW Flu Vaccination Update 2023 on Linkedin Email NSW Flu Vaccination Update 2023 linkNSW Flu Vaccination Update 2023 online webinar organised by the Royal Australian college of General Practitioners (RACGP) will be held on 28 February 2023 at 7.00 - 8.30pm.
Description: Participants will receive an update on the 2023 NSW Influenza Vaccination Program to help ensure they are well positioned to support their patients for the coming influenza season.
Changes to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination dose schedule under the National Immunisation Program
Share Changes to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination dose schedule under the National Immunisation Program on Facebook Share Changes to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination dose schedule under the National Immunisation Program on Twitter Share Changes to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination dose schedule under the National Immunisation Program on Linkedin Email Changes to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination dose schedule under the National Immunisation Program linkFrom 6 February 2023, the dose schedule for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will change to a single dose, and eligibility for the catch-up program will be extended to include people up to and including 25 years of age. Young people (except those who are immunocompromised) who receive a single dose before 26 years of age are considered fully vaccinated and will not need further doses.
State and Territory health departments will be communicating the changes to parents of adolescents eligible for the HPV vaccine at school in 2023.
Further information and relevant resources
Department of Health and Aged Care
- Changes to HPV vaccine dose schedule for your Australians
- HPV vaccine – Factsheet outlining changes under the National Immunisation Program in 2023
- Australian Immunisation Handbook: Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Vaccination providers and other interested stakeholders can subscribe to National Immunisation Program updates from the Department of Health and Aged Care.
RESOURCE: Following vaccination – what to expect and what to do
Share RESOURCE: Following vaccination – what to expect and what to do on Facebook Share RESOURCE: Following vaccination – what to expect and what to do on Twitter Share RESOURCE: Following vaccination – what to expect and what to do on Linkedin Email RESOURCE: Following vaccination – what to expect and what to do linkTo Order this resource
Order ID:IT0303You can order this resource by contacting National Mailing and Marketing:
Email -
Phone - 02 6269 1080Quote the order ID number above, the quantity of the resource you wish to order and provide your delivery address.
GSK Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel) ERRORS
Share GSK Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel) ERRORS on Facebook Share GSK Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel) ERRORS on Twitter Share GSK Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel) ERRORS on Linkedin Email GSK Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel) ERRORS linkGSK has advised that some copies of the GSK Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel) contain errors. All providers are advised to stop using the Rotarix Wheel and discard any copies.
There is no issue with Rotarix vaccine itself, or the recommended schedule for administration as per the NIP or Handbook, just the Rotarix Wheel printed resource.
The below email has been sent to GPs from GSK
16th January 2023
Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel – discrepancy in date estimate
Dear Healthcare Professional,GSK is committed to providing resources to healthcare professionals (HCPs) to support the quality use of our medicines and vaccines. Rotarix (human rotavirus, live attenuated oral vaccine) is indicated for the prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis.
It has come to GSK’s attention that discrepancies have been noticed in some copies of the Rotarix Dosing and Administration Wheel (Rotarix Wheel). An image of the Rotarix Wheel is included below for reference. GSK recommends that HCPs immediately cease use of the Rotarix Wheel and discard any copies currently in their possession. In 2023, GSK intends to refresh the aids it provides to immunisers to assist with dosing and administration of Rotarix.
Please note: There is no impact to the quality of the Rotarix vaccine, this letter relates solely to the Rotarix Wheel, which is collateral distributed separately from the Rotarix vaccine.
As stated in the Rotarix Product Information, the vaccination course consists of two doses. The first dose should be given between 6 and 14 weeks of age. The interval between the two doses should not be less than 4 weeks. The vaccine course should be completed by the age of 24 weeks as safety has not been assessed in older children. This dosing schedule aligns with the current National Immunisation Program (NIP) schedule with the first dose being administered at 2 months of age and the second dose being administered at 4 months of age. Dosing schedule recommendations from both the Rotarix Product Information and NIP have been correctly printed on the Rotarix Wheel for the HCP’s reference.
For information on GSK products or to report an adverse event involving a GSK product, please contact GSK Medical Information on 1800 033 109.
Yours Sincerely,
Vincent So
Head of NIP Vaccines Business
Update to the Australian Immunisation Handbook
Share Update to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on Facebook Share Update to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on Twitter Share Update to the Australian Immunisation Handbook on Linkedin Email Update to the Australian Immunisation Handbook linkThe Australian Immunisation Handbook has recently updated a number of pages and the updates can be viewed on the Handbook website.
Who's Listening
Phone 0409 148 062 Email
Key Dates and Education
Videos and Simulations
Click here to play video Improving Immunisation Rates: What's Available? - Mastermind
Click here to play video Cold Chain Management Update (Mastermind)
Click here to play video Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA)
Click here to play video 2023 Annual Immunisation Update A comprehensive 2023 Immunisation Update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Uni.
Click here to play video 2024 Annual Immunisation - April Update A link to the 2024 Immunisation Update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Unit
2025 Adult Pneumococcal Vaccine Recall Program
Immunisation and Quality Improvement
12 Month Quality Improvement Record Template (BLANK) (151 KB) (docx)
One PIP QI Quarter Quality Improvement Record Template (BLANK) (145 KB) (docx)
Immunisation QI Toolkit (459 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation PDSA Example: Influenza Vaccination (205 KB) (pdf)
QI Activity AIR10A reports - followup overdue children (649 KB) (pdf)
Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement and CAT Plus (5.2 MB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Management
Cold Chain PHN doc.pdf (286 KB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Breach Protocol Poster (188 KB) (pdf)
Cold Chain Breach Reporting Form (338 KB) (pdf)
NSW Health Cold Chain Toolkit (606 KB) (pdf)
Strive for 5 Vaccine Fridge Temperature Chart Resource (129 KB) (pdf)
National Vaccine Storage Guidelines: Strive for 5 (3rd ed) (6.05 MB) (pdf)
Immunisation and the MBS
Immunisation AIR and PRODA
Services Australia: AIR-010A Due and Overdue Immunisation by Practice Report (1.38 MB) (pdf)
Services Australia: Australian Immunisation Register Data Quality User Guide (991 KB) (pdf)
Department of Health: Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Fact sheet (274 KB) (pdf)
AIR access via PRODA PHN Doc (834 KB) (pdf)
Recording vaccinations given overseas on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) PHN Doc (168 KB) (pdf)
Requesting and viewing the COVID-19 Vaccination Status Report (AIR42A) PHN Doc (526 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation - Nurses
How to request an AIR 10A report.pdf (386 KB) (pdf)
Immunisation contacts November 2023.docx (137 KB) (docx)
AIR-010A-Report-User-Guide-Nov-2020-V1.0.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
Important Links
- The Australian Immunisation Handbook
- NSW Health Immunisation Programs
- National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Australia
- Central Coast HealthPathways
- Hunter New England HealthPathways
- Central Coast LHD Immunisation
- HNE Health Immunisation
- Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI)