Name of Residential Aged Care Home (RACH)
Maximum 255 characters
RACH Address
Your Name
Your role at RACH
Your email address
How many GPs visit your facility?
How many GP practices service your facility?
Are you aware if the GPs visiting your RACH are participating or intend to participate in the GPACI (General Practice in Aged Care Incentive)?
If yes to the above – How many residents are currently enrolled in MyMedicare and linked to a GP?
Does your GP or RACH use a deputising service for afterhours care?
If yes to question 11, please state company used.
Does your RACH utilise a virtual GP service for regular resident care?
Do your regular GPs utilise telehealth consults as well as F2F?
How difficult is it for you to find a GP for new residents?
How often is admission of a new resident delayed or unable to occur due to inability to source a GP?
Do you have an ageing GP workforce?
Do you have a contingency plan in place for ongoing GP coverage, if GPs become unwell, take extended leave or retire?
Do you receive visits from practice nurses, Nurse Practitioners or Allied Health Professionals as part of residents care plan at the moment? (Tick all that apply).