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Dear Residential Aged Care Home Managers and Staff,
With the introduction of MyMedicare and GPACI, the PHN is here to support you through the registration process. The PHN has compiled a brief survey designed to collect baseline information, which will help us assist you in registering for the MyMedicare program. Our goal is to identify challenges you may encounter during the registration process and determine how the PHN can provide assistance to overcome these barriers.
The survey closes COB 12 December 2024. All entries received will enter the draw for a chance to win one of six $50 Visa gift cards. One Residential Aged Care Home will win $300 to host a meal for their facility.
What is the MyMedicare, GPACI Program?
The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) commenced on 1st July 2024. It is a new model of primary care which provides incentive payments to GPs for providing a coordinated and proactive bundle of health care for permanent residents of Aged Care Homes. The incentive has been developed to address recommendations 56 and 61 from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety final report, with the goal of improving continuity of care and health outcomes of your residents.
The video below provides an overview of the MyMedicare and GPACI program.
Thank you for your participation in this short survey and thank you for the work you do supporting your residents.
Sincerely, The PHN Care for Older People Team
Dear Residential Aged Care Home Managers and Staff,
With the introduction of MyMedicare and GPACI, the PHN is here to support you through the registration process. The PHN has compiled a brief survey designed to collect baseline information, which will help us assist you in registering for the MyMedicare program. Our goal is to identify challenges you may encounter during the registration process and determine how the PHN can provide assistance to overcome these barriers.
The survey closes COB 12 December 2024. All entries received will enter the draw for a chance to win one of six $50 Visa gift cards. One Residential Aged Care Home will win $300 to host a meal for their facility.
What is the MyMedicare, GPACI Program?
The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) commenced on 1st July 2024. It is a new model of primary care which provides incentive payments to GPs for providing a coordinated and proactive bundle of health care for permanent residents of Aged Care Homes. The incentive has been developed to address recommendations 56 and 61 from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety final report, with the goal of improving continuity of care and health outcomes of your residents.
The video below provides an overview of the MyMedicare and GPACI program.
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