Subscribe to National Immunisation Program (NIP) updates
Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest clinical and program guidance on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) to help you deliver immunisation services to your patients.
About the NIP updates
The updates provide the latest information to assist providers administer vaccines on the NIP, including:
changes to the NIP schedule
clinical advice, including ATAGI clinical statements
annual influenza program communication
Australian Immunisation Register information.
We publish influenza program updates annually, and as needed for other NIP updates.
Who they are for
Our updates are for health professionals who have a role in promoting and administering NIP funded vaccines, including:
general practitioners
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners and workers
practice managers and administrators.
How to subscribe
To receive NIP updates by email simply complete our online subscribe form.
After completing the form, you will receive an email requesting confirmation. Click on the link in the email to confirm your subscription.
How to unsubscribe
If you no longer want to receive the NIP updates, you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of each email.
How to access old updates
Find previous updates in the NIP updates archive.
See the privacy notice for this service.
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