Full name
Maximum 255 characters
Please tell us a little about yourself
The content was organised and easy to follow
The time allocated to the training was sufficient
The training improved my understanding of the National Initial Assessment and Referral Project
It was helpful to see the online Decision Support Tool and how it can be used in practice
The Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool will help support improved decision-making for referral across mental health services
Using the Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool is likely to be a valuable use of my time
It was clear how to get in touch with a representative about the project
The training improved my knowledge of how to apply the decision support tool
Please let us know if there is any way we can improve the training
You are welcome to leave any thoughts or comments regarding your overall impression of the National Initial Assessment and Referral Guidance here
I am able to describe the development process of the Initial Assessment and Referral Initiative
I am able to describe the 8 Initial Assessment Domains of the Decision Support Tool
I can define the 5 levels of care and provide examples of mental health services that belong to each
I am able to apply the IAR Guidance to use the decision support tool to generate a recommended level of care
I am able to apply the supported decision-making strategies to involve the patient in referral decision-making.
Please rate to what degree this CPD activity met your expectation about the delivery. (Engaging/interactive, eg with opportunity for questions and feedback)
Would you likely recommend this CPD activity to a colleague?
Would you likely change anything in your practice as a result of this CPD activity? Yes/No Why?
How did you find out about this training?