Supporting nicotine dependent high school students within a vape-free school environment
Schools need safe, youth-friendly, affordable, equitable, and reliable access to clinical advice and management of nicotine dependence for students experiencing cravings and withdrawals.
Central Coast Health Promotion Service, Central Coast Local Health District is seeking to connect Central Coast high schools with local GPs, who have an interest in helping nicotine dependent students manage cravings and withdrawals during the school day, with the long-term goal of quitting.
Initially, we are working with Narara Valley High School to identify support resources and to link students found vaping at school with appropriate referral options. In 2025, we are looking to expand to other high schools on the Central Coast.
Interested GPs will be placed on the register to be part of this initiative when it expands across the Central Coast.
About us
Health promotion uses a whole-of-school community approach to address vaping. We are working with local schools to identify support resources and to link students found vaping at school with appropriate referral options.
This is part of a broader school and community approach to reduce the uptake of vaping and other illegal nicotine products by young people in our community. The key aspects of the approach are shown in the diagram below.
GP involvement
We are seeking GPs to register interest in having your name in a resource of support services for students and their families living on the Central Coast.
Interested GPs will receive:
- an initial meeting to discuss the approach and best practice in nicotine management for young people
- your name and practice contact details listed in a support service resource for students, parents/carers
- appropriate training (if required) on best practice of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)prescription and management of nicotine dependence for students at school by Dr Lyndon Bauer*
- a list and description of local support services available
- updates on the new Quitline platform and app for young people
- progress updates
* Dr Lyndon Bauer is a GP practising at Ourimbah Surgery. Lyndon has extensive experience in cessation practice. He has a wholistic approach to youth vaping, focusing on creating a priority plan for the young person, while attempting to maintain engagement and encourage school engagement.
Provision of support to young people should include:
- Prompt access to an initial bulk-billed face-to-face appointment
- If required, prescription of appropriate NRT combinations via the PBS to minimise costs to the student
- If required, prescription of NRT combinations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students under the ‘Closing the Gap Scheme’ to minimise cost
- Active referral to the NSW Quitline program for ongoing behavioural support and advice about NRT products prescribed.
- Offering Telehealth as an option for follow-up appointments
- If required, referral to other services as part of the holistic patient approach - for social, mental health and other drug and alcohol support.
We will be seeking feedback on your experiences with students attending your practice for nicotine dependence.
We are hoping to achieve:
- Improved access for students to GPs for managing nicotine dependence and quit support
- Improved school attendance rates of nicotine-dependent students
- Reduction in the number of vaping-related school suspensions and repeat suspensions
- Reduction in the number of students vaping at school
Registration of interest: complete EOI survey below.