Key Dates
June 2022
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
Bowel cancer claims the lives of 101 Australians every week, 5,255 people a year.
293 Australians will be diagnosed with bowel cancer this week, 15,206 people a year.
Current participation in the National Bowel Screening Program within the Primary Health Network is currently 40.8%, which is slightly above the state participation rate.
General Practices play a vital role in encouraging and supporting patients participate in the National Bowel Screening Program with evidence showing that patients who are reminded by their GP to attend screening are more likely to screen.
During Bowel Cancer Awareness Month (and every month) consider:
- accessing the National Cancer Screening Register to review your patients screening history and if they are due or overdue for bowel screening, order a bowel screening replacement kit which is sent directly to their residential address
- include bowel screening prompts in consultations, health assessments and or management plans.
- Display posters and brochures in your waiting room
- Change your telephone and or online booking messages to raise awareness and the importance of bowel screening
- Refer to HealthPathways to keep update on current referral pathways