Are your patients up to date with cancer screening?
Did you know that people who are reminded by their GP to attend cancer screening are more likely to screen?
The National Bowel, Breast and Cervical Screening Programs provide an opportunity for General Practices to play a key role in the early detection and management of cancers.
The Primary Health Network is committed to working alongside General Practices to improve cancer screening participation rates and reduce the risk of cancers within targeted population groups.
Specifically, the Primary Care Improvement Team can support your General Practice improve cancer screening participation rates through:
- anaylising and interpreting cancer screening data through CAT4 and PHN Dashboard Reports,
- identifying patients who are overdue and or never screened,
- accessing and maximising the functions of the National Cancer Screening Register,
- developing robust recall and reminder workflow systems and
- implementing effective patient engagement strategies.
If this is something that you and your practice are interested in, please speak with your Primary Care Improvement Officer.
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